Saturday, May 28, 2011

Trying to Snooze...

"Can I help you?"
So I have gotten in the habit of taking photos of Laney while she's trying to nap. She tends to wake up and give me a stare down. Hey, I don't care! It's not like you have a job missy! You can sleep whenever you want. So say CHEESE you gorgeous four-legged beauty queen!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Laney's Vaccination Day, 2/3

OUCH! Not COOL! What the heck was that!?

Laney had her second round of vaccinations today. She got her distemper and kennel cough shots. She took the distemper like a champ. She was NOT having the kennel cough shot though. But who can blame her? Who wants some nasty tasting liquid to be shot up your nose?! Well...not Laney, that's for sure!

She was weighed again at 11.6lbs. Her stool was checked for parasites, and we were in the clear! Go Laney! Healthy, happy pup!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Beach Visit Anyone?

"Umm, so yah...I'm not sure about this beach thing just yet. These wet things you call "waves"...well they are big and loud. And I'm just not quite sure..."

Oh Laney!

We tried the beach the other day, just the two of us. A large container ship passed by rather quickly, and created some rather large waves that frightened her. I think we will try again in a week or so, to see if she will be more curious than nervous.

Poor thing!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Picture Show of the Puppies...

Here is the link to the slideshows that Grandma Terri and Linda (breeders) put up on the website. 4 weeks and 6 weeks!! Adorable!!

Diesel, Doc (Calvin), Nelly (DeLaney), Aero, & Cole

Saturday, May 7, 2011

First Check-Up!

Today we went to our very first vet appointment! Laney did SO well! She was a little timid, but we had a few moments of relaxing time while waiting for the doctor.

Dr. Casey checked her up and down. He said she was a sweet puppy, and looked to be in great health. The lil stinker weighed 11lbs. She did SO well!

She didn't get a lollipop for her good behavior, but sure did get puppy treats! She is now passed out in her kennel. What an eventful day for her!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Adoption Day!

She's ours!

We picked Laney up today. It was quite the experience. She barely made a noise on the ride home. She did leave us a gift on the rug that we were not too keen on. But overall, great evening.

She is now in her crate, dreaming her puppy dreams! She's so adorable. I plan to wake up in a few hours to take her out. We shall see how I enjoy this transition in life! I have a feeling I'm going to be tired...