Monday, November 21, 2011

I'm Confused, Frightened & to be Honest...A Little Pissy.

Yes, I understand. Up rooting you is very tramatic! I'm so sorry. We love you and will figure this out together little one.

That's right. The rumors are true. We recently moved to Fremont!

And DeLaney no like. We have neighbors, close neighbors. We have doggies...everywhere in the neighborhood. It is a very stressful time. AND to top it off, we changed Doggy Daycares! Woah, talk about a freak out situation. And boy has there been many of those! We are adjusting though. So let's just see how it goes.

So as I mentioned, DeLaney is no longer going to Fuzzy Buddy Daycare. It's definitely sad. We love Fuzzy Buddy's.

DeLaney is now a member of a more urban community:

She is still pretty timid when I drop her off. Like going to the Vet timid. POOR THING! They have webcams on their website, so the curious owner can view the dogs during the day. Yeah, you'd think I'd be more obsessed with it -- I'm really not. All they do is walk around.

Here is the camera link:

Anyway, DeLaney is...adjusting. She barks at any noise. And she gets stressed when we leave her alone. We've only left her alone at the house twice due to her unsure nature; and only for a few hours. The first time, went well -- after a full day of daycare (smart of us). The second time, we were not so smart. I won't even go into the detail of that event! Poor Laney!!

So I am overly worried about the situation...of course! But time has it's way of sorting things out. This will end up being a great experience for DeLaney since she has developed a phobia of strangers. She needs exposure to new sights, sounds & smells...

So hello Fremont! I'm Stefanie and this is my little girl -- DeLaney. She's a beautiful spirit who needs a gentle guided hand in figuring this new place out. Will you help her see that she doesn't need to be confused, frightened...or pissy with you? Afterall...change may be scary -- but it sure is a good thing!

Miss Laney, we love you! And we won't stop supporting you babygirl. Not for one second!

Below is a hilarious picture of a VERY freaked out DeLaney -- she hears the neighbors music. Something she's DEFINITELY NOT used to!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Yet Another Birth-Month! 8!

Yah, this will stop at 1 year, I swear. Miss Delaney has entered her 8th month of living. And boy is she living! She is loving daycare, destorying her kennel, eating random objects off the ground, and she is definitely lovin' her sneak attacks -- silent but absolutely deadly, I tell ya what!

She is an absolute joy to have around. I can easily say, Dean and I love her more than any other pup on this planet! Okay, Kirby is definitely up there too. Can't forget the Kirbster!