Wednesday, May 9, 2012

We Moved...Again?!

Yes. Again! Partly why I haven't posted in so long (we also ran off to Napa & Hawaii during the last couple of months. So we've been somewhat busy). Regarding the move though... We couldn't stand Fremont any longer! It just isn't the neighborhood for us. So, when an offer to move into a family friend's house came up, we were more than thrilled to jumped on board. We are now comfortably living in Phinney Ridge, and couldn't be more excited. And the transition for Delaney went much smoother than we anticipated! Her reaction was completely different then with the Fremont move. She's so happy!
The house itself is beautiful. It has been newly updated (by our friend's hard work), wood floors, large beautiful kitchen, partial covered deck that overlooks the fenced backyard, a lovely master with attached master bath & patio that leads up to the rooftop deck! Oh man, we scored. The neighborhood is also pretty great. Hearing kids playing, people working in their yards, and seeing others walk dogs & pushing strollers -- it feels SO much safer! It's how I envisioned my Seattle "grown-up" life, haha. All I need now are a few little ones. ;) But that's a future life. For now, we are so excited to share our days with a dog. And living within a block from some good friends! I cannot believe how hard the last year was for us. We struggled with so much all at once -- but these last few months have been a complete 180! We were able to pull through, together. Not saying that the bad times are gone; they are sadly far from gone. But at least for now - Dean, Delaney, and I are doing very well. We are all incredibly happy. DeLaney enjoying her new backyard: