Friday, August 17, 2012

And we are off Tucson we go!

It is official. We are moving to Tucson, Arizona. I cannot believe how many times we have up-rooted Ms. DeLaney. No wonder she is a little needy.

Dean has gotten the rare opportunity to become CEO of Student Experts, LLC. A company that provides tech support primarily from university students and recent graduates. The concept of SE is that, in today's labor force -- if you are in college or straight out of college, you have a limited window of opportunity in baggin' a decent paying job. Many are stuck in entry level positions or unpaid internships. Student Experts is a company where a student can gain experience in their field and not get screwed royally with crap pay.

I respect the concept of SE, and cannot be more excited for Dean! For us!

What does this mean for DeLaney? Well, she isn't going to become a Wildcats fan -- that's for sure! Purple and gold flow through her veins! Woof to the core man, woof to the core.

She will be of course coming with us! And DeLaney has spoken. She demands a private pool.