Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Arrival of Finnegan

Finnegan poked out into the world last night!!

September 24, 2012. Our little boy puppy is born! Sky and Toby had 7 beautiful pups - 5 girls & 2 boys. And she's doing just fine! Good job Sky!

Welcome to the world my sweet little boy. We cannot wait to take you home and give you the best life we can!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

About A Boy

We have decided to adopt a second dog. We are hoping for a boy, ideally a Black/White Tri. But would honestly be happy with any color. We want a boy mainly because we have heard girls typically don't mesh well together. It's better to have an opposite sex. I'm so excited about the new decision.

I'm having a second child! Who would have thought!?