Thursday, June 30, 2011

Concrete, Fun for All...Errr, Or Just Laney.

We had quite the eventful week! On Sunday, we were greeted by our Summer-Time Roomies. Yeah...with 5 additional humans for 2 months, you can definitely expect things to get a little chaotic around the house. Well, I certainly did not anticipate what happened as a result of the new chaos...

So here's a little history...Laney stays in a 7' x 7' kennel in the garage while Dean and myself are at work. We don't want to keep her in the house for fear she will have accidents since she's just a little thing! Did I mention the heavy-dutiness of this kennel?

(Picture off

WELL...when kids get in and out of SUVs in carports, they tend to make a bit of noise. When the noise stops due to driving away...a puppy might think: "Hey, what happened? Where are they? Are they coming back? Why didn't I go!? HELP." And the panic sets in...

I get home, and begin opening the garage door only to find out that it will not open. "Uh oh, why did my dog just dart by?" I was able to squeeze my hand through the crack of the door to hit the garage door opener. When I went around the front to see what had happened, I stood there in ABSOLUTE shock.

Laney had managed to escape her kennel. Yes, I already realized this when a darting figure passed me 5 seconds ago. But what the HELL did she do!? She had found the 3 or 4 bags of 80lbs ready-mix cement and had been digging in it for -- WHO KNOWS FOR HOW LONG!! She was completely a new color of dirty grey. Cute Laney. Very becoming.

After an hour of cleaning the garage and a very long de-dusting bath; I decided to call the vet. Cement consumed or inhaled doesn't sound safe to me. The vet forwarded me to the emergency line, who then forwarded me to poison control -- who told me (65 dollars later) to go where I began this whole phone-tagging adventure. The DAMN vet.

Yah, so in conclusion...after a $120 vet fee, a couple hours of cleaning, the purchase of a pad-lock and countless hours of worried thoughts...Laney is totally fine. With only pooping a few rocks here and there.

Don't worry Pumpkin're worth it.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Puppy School 3/6

Laney, Kimba, Guinness, Ashley, and Tigger had a VERY VERY fun day at Puppy School today! And also learned a WHOLE LOT too!

Laney was asked to be the example of walking on a leash while a distraction accorded (another puppy passing by). The instructor, Dana, wanted to show the class how to avoid/correct a puppy if they are distracted and try to run towards the other puppy.

Well, Laney was apparently TOO GOOD! She was keeping her complete attention on Dana, and walking slowly right by her side. Dana returned Laney commenting, "Well Laney is just too good for this demo!" (Of course, it did help that Laney was VERY aware of the doggy treats in her hand!)


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Puppy School 2/6

Miss Laney hung out with the cutest little white dog. I have no idea what breed she was, but I do know she was absolutely adorable. She came with a woman and her daughter. Laney was definitely the dominating one, but super respectful (according to Dana). They kept on picking her up and coddling her. MAN UP PEEPS!

Laney did Sit, Stay, Lay, Come, Leash work, and a massive amount of playtime (which is GREAT, she needs it)!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Laney's Vaccination Day, 3/3!

Today Laney had her final round of vaccinations, including her rabies shot. She will soon be able to go to the dog park! WOOF! She has gained 5lbs since her last visit, she's a 16 pounder! She has nearly reached the halfway point in weight. What a healthy girl!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Slumber Party...

Goodnight Moon...

Stealin' Kirby's Bed!

Scelena Cuddle TIme!

This weekend my dear friend Scelena came home to visit. We were invited to stay the night at her pad. We just LOVE her, Tom, and Kirby!! We can't get enough of their time!

Hanging Around the House...

Suckin' on a Stogie, err Bully Stick...

This is Laney's, "Sick of the Paparazzi" Face...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

First Water Experience!

Do NOT Drop Me!

Okay, I can do this...

It's just SO cold!!

We had a few friends over to enjoy the first decent day of Spring. And we just HAD to get Laney in the pool. She actually did alright. No whining. Just clinging onto me like crazy! I never let her go, she isn't quite ready for that. We figure, slowly introduce her to water, so she will learn to love it.

But this is the cutest part...when I let her out, she RAN to the nearest towel and tried to dry off with it. It was adorable. She is so smart to go to a towel and rub down! We will love that trick come Winter when it's REALLY raining every day!!

First Day of School...

Today Laney was introduced to Puppy School at Fuzzy Buddy's Daycare. The owner, Dana, is as sweet as they come! We walked in to the daycare and met her dog Tigger -- a 10 year old boarder collie mix and Angel -- a tiny 10 year old pit bull.

BOY did Laney act surprised when she saw Tigger! The yelping commenced for about 20 seconds. But then she snapped out of it. She was completely fine with Angel. I'm guessing size is what surprises her. She reacts completely normal with smaller dogs. Then...the love of her life enters. Kimba, a gorgeous boarder collie. They hit it off!! Immediately going into puppy play after a bit of sniffing. SO SWEET!

Once school actually started, Laney impressed Miss Dana with her ability to Sit, Stay, Wait, Leave It, and Come. What a PRO! She even went as far as to say, "you are on the right track with Laney!"

Great job baby!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Laney's Playmate, Kirby...

Playin' the Mirror Game...

Followin' the Leader...

BFF NightTime Cuddles!

Beggin' Fools!

Laney has a friend!

The first time they met...wasn't ideal. Blood curdling screams as if a little piglet was being slaughtered deafened the ears for a short time. But after the initial panic button reaction passed, she realized that Kirby is AMAZING!

Now, whenever she sees him, she puts her front paws up on his neck, and jumps around with glee! Kirby handles such a greeting with much patience and understanding.