Sunday, June 26, 2011

Puppy School 3/6

Laney, Kimba, Guinness, Ashley, and Tigger had a VERY VERY fun day at Puppy School today! And also learned a WHOLE LOT too!

Laney was asked to be the example of walking on a leash while a distraction accorded (another puppy passing by). The instructor, Dana, wanted to show the class how to avoid/correct a puppy if they are distracted and try to run towards the other puppy.

Well, Laney was apparently TOO GOOD! She was keeping her complete attention on Dana, and walking slowly right by her side. Dana returned Laney commenting, "Well Laney is just too good for this demo!" (Of course, it did help that Laney was VERY aware of the doggy treats in her hand!)


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