Thursday, June 30, 2011

Concrete, Fun for All...Errr, Or Just Laney.

We had quite the eventful week! On Sunday, we were greeted by our Summer-Time Roomies. Yeah...with 5 additional humans for 2 months, you can definitely expect things to get a little chaotic around the house. Well, I certainly did not anticipate what happened as a result of the new chaos...

So here's a little history...Laney stays in a 7' x 7' kennel in the garage while Dean and myself are at work. We don't want to keep her in the house for fear she will have accidents since she's just a little thing! Did I mention the heavy-dutiness of this kennel?

(Picture off

WELL...when kids get in and out of SUVs in carports, they tend to make a bit of noise. When the noise stops due to driving away...a puppy might think: "Hey, what happened? Where are they? Are they coming back? Why didn't I go!? HELP." And the panic sets in...

I get home, and begin opening the garage door only to find out that it will not open. "Uh oh, why did my dog just dart by?" I was able to squeeze my hand through the crack of the door to hit the garage door opener. When I went around the front to see what had happened, I stood there in ABSOLUTE shock.

Laney had managed to escape her kennel. Yes, I already realized this when a darting figure passed me 5 seconds ago. But what the HELL did she do!? She had found the 3 or 4 bags of 80lbs ready-mix cement and had been digging in it for -- WHO KNOWS FOR HOW LONG!! She was completely a new color of dirty grey. Cute Laney. Very becoming.

After an hour of cleaning the garage and a very long de-dusting bath; I decided to call the vet. Cement consumed or inhaled doesn't sound safe to me. The vet forwarded me to the emergency line, who then forwarded me to poison control -- who told me (65 dollars later) to go where I began this whole phone-tagging adventure. The DAMN vet.

Yah, so in conclusion...after a $120 vet fee, a couple hours of cleaning, the purchase of a pad-lock and countless hours of worried thoughts...Laney is totally fine. With only pooping a few rocks here and there.

Don't worry Pumpkin're worth it.

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