Saturday, July 30, 2011

Family Reunion!

Laney reunited with her Mommy & 3/4 brothers today! What a site to be seen. Gorgeous Springers running around having a blast in the sunny, summer weather...

Cole, Laney & Wilson (Human belongs to Wilson)...

Griffin & Wilson...

Laney Coat Shines in the Sun...

Laney Running in the Sunshine...

Diesel (Looks JUST like Daddy Toby)...

Mommy Sky...

Wilson (GORGEOUS TRI)...

Laney Tries to Kiss Moses Thur the Fence...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Graduation Day

She Jumped!

I unfortunately was not able to capture this milestone with photography! But I do have the moment chiseled in my memory.

Laney jumped. She leaped! SOARED into the pool for the first time. Oh it was beautiful. My little girl is growing more fearless daily. I'm so proud.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Look What I Can Do!!

Here are just a few commands Laney can now do! She is such a pro too!




"Leave It"

And she'll "Leave It" FOREVER!

Kisses for a GOOD JOB! I'm such a PROUD Mommy!

Friday, July 15, 2011

My Very Saucy Lady...

Yes, even the Virgin Mary can get a UTI...which would really suck back then. But I'm pretty sure she was much more of a "saucy lil minx" than my poor little Laney. (Steph used that phrase on FB, and it CRACKED me up!)

Upon my return home on Wednesday afternoon, I found the cute lil hoochie crouching over and over again with little or no urine coming out. Instantly...I knew. Oh babygirl, I used to get those...before I learned to ALWAYS pee after relations.

Not sure how she got it, most likely crouching low to the bacteria-infested ground when relieving herself? Or perhaps she's more promiscuous than she lets on...

At any rate, Miss Cutie Pie Laney most likely is experiencing her very first bladder infection.

I immediately called my vet. I asked if we could make an appointment. They said 8AM tomorrow. I said no. How about now? They caved. Good. I know how those feel! UGH, no fun!

Laney waiting for Dr. Andrew to give her the pills:

Laney's Lil Helpers:

I decided to be an overly worried pet owner and took the next day off. I'm very fortunate to have the flexibility in my role (well, basically an amazing boss) where I have the ability to take a personal day at a moments notice. We just took it easy, cuddled in bed, and just let the antibiotics do there job.

Drooling over Dave Matthews in "Just Go With It":

I'm of course not happy that Laney is uncomfortable right now, but I am happy I got to spend an entire day with her. Just the two of us. She is the most important aspect of my life right now. And that private time means more to me than the world.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

First Doggy Sittin' Experience...

While Dean and I were away floatin' it up on the Yamika with our Bubba Keg's full o' juice; Laney experienced her very first FULL day of doggie sitting!

She enjoyed getting to know Auntie Christine SO much we had to DRAG her out of the house! Apparently, a house full of canines is just too irresistible for a young pup like Laney. She must of had a blast! And apparently was the "life of the party" during a backyard BBQ. That's my girl!!!! ;)

We are so fortunate to have such wonderful friends willing to help us out with dogsitting. It's helping Laney grow into such a happy, healthy, socialized beauty queen.

She cannot wait to visit Auntie Christine again! She begs every day! ;p

Friday, July 1, 2011

Over the River & Through the Woods...

Well, really...over the Puget Sound and to the woods. For Father's Day, we ventured to Grandma & Grandpa's house for the VERY first time!! And YES, the Kirbster came along for the ride! Although, I realize now that I don't have a single picture proving his presence. He WAS there though! And did very good, just like my lil Kirbster always does.

Playing outside in, "The Yard that Sadie Destroyed." (Our families Golden who passed away 1 1/2 years ago -- we miss & love you!!!)

And here are a few pictures of my beautiful niece and nephew (along with my FOXY G-MA and my gorgeous/wonderful/lovely/favorite, Sissy Shawna!)

Happy 4 Months Laney!

Cedarhome's DeLaney is 4 months old today! Thank you for being such a blessing in my life.
You have grown so fast. And have learned so much in the short time we've been together. I'm looking forward to the years ahead of us and the true companion you will become!