Saturday, July 2, 2011

First Doggy Sittin' Experience...

While Dean and I were away floatin' it up on the Yamika with our Bubba Keg's full o' juice; Laney experienced her very first FULL day of doggie sitting!

She enjoyed getting to know Auntie Christine SO much we had to DRAG her out of the house! Apparently, a house full of canines is just too irresistible for a young pup like Laney. She must of had a blast! And apparently was the "life of the party" during a backyard BBQ. That's my girl!!!! ;)

We are so fortunate to have such wonderful friends willing to help us out with dogsitting. It's helping Laney grow into such a happy, healthy, socialized beauty queen.

She cannot wait to visit Auntie Christine again! She begs every day! ;p

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