Friday, July 15, 2011

My Very Saucy Lady...

Yes, even the Virgin Mary can get a UTI...which would really suck back then. But I'm pretty sure she was much more of a "saucy lil minx" than my poor little Laney. (Steph used that phrase on FB, and it CRACKED me up!)

Upon my return home on Wednesday afternoon, I found the cute lil hoochie crouching over and over again with little or no urine coming out. Instantly...I knew. Oh babygirl, I used to get those...before I learned to ALWAYS pee after relations.

Not sure how she got it, most likely crouching low to the bacteria-infested ground when relieving herself? Or perhaps she's more promiscuous than she lets on...

At any rate, Miss Cutie Pie Laney most likely is experiencing her very first bladder infection.

I immediately called my vet. I asked if we could make an appointment. They said 8AM tomorrow. I said no. How about now? They caved. Good. I know how those feel! UGH, no fun!

Laney waiting for Dr. Andrew to give her the pills:

Laney's Lil Helpers:

I decided to be an overly worried pet owner and took the next day off. I'm very fortunate to have the flexibility in my role (well, basically an amazing boss) where I have the ability to take a personal day at a moments notice. We just took it easy, cuddled in bed, and just let the antibiotics do there job.

Drooling over Dave Matthews in "Just Go With It":

I'm of course not happy that Laney is uncomfortable right now, but I am happy I got to spend an entire day with her. Just the two of us. She is the most important aspect of my life right now. And that private time means more to me than the world.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I HAVE to see Just Go With It now that I know Dave is in it. Poor saucy lil minx, I have to admit, every time I picture her crouching down to pee with no results, I can't stop cracking up. What a little cutie pie. She's a real woman now.
