Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Years (& Happy 10 Months)!

Well Delaney, don't smile for the camera then...

I'm discovering that Laney has basically two poses for pictures:

1) Blurry, and
2) Serious.

You'd be surprised how popular she thinks these poses are. I'm strongly considering doing a 1-year photography session to get some decent shots of the cutie-paa-tootie! However, Dean likes to roll his eyes whenever I bring it up...whatever. So I dunno if I'm brave enough to fork over the dough for such a session.

So New Years came, then went. We shared a lovely cabin over looking the Yakima River with David and Keri. A lovely time was had! Lots of laughs, some tears (they are getting married), good chats and at the end some hive action went down - not so fun. Poor KerriBerri. All in all though, a lovely weekend getaway with some of our favs.

Laney did AWESOME. At times, I forget her age. She seems so much older than 10 months. IT'S INSANE! She is just so well behaved. She has her issues, no one is perfect. But in terms of obeying, she's hardcore, all As man. Well, minus her inability to be left alone and greeting people with scary barks. But other than that, straight As.

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