Friday, December 30, 2011

My Very First Christmas!

Not only was this DeLaney's very first Christmas, but it was also the first year Dean and I shared Christmas morning together. Apparently a dog DOES bring you closer together, who knew!?

Usually, I find myself running back and forth from my home to Dean's home -- trying desperately not to disappoint anyone. Well, this year I decided to give up. I deserve to enjoy the holiday season too! And although I truly missed the Falconer time this was definitely a blessing to relax and enjoy the Willcoxon side of the holiday. So with Dean deciding to stay over Christmas Eve -- well that just made my year! It meant so much to me to wake up on Christmas morning with Dean & DeLaney. I felt like we were a family. Finally. I couldn't have felt more blessed at that moment; especially with this year being so terribly rough on us.

Our family has been dealt some nasty cards this year. And with him trying so hard...well, it just means the world to me. At times, I find myself struggling; wanting more from the guy. And I'm not going to hide the fact that I've had my weak moments. At times, I find myself full of resentment. I have even expressed my impatience verbally to him on a number of occasions. I'm not proud of this. Instant guilt rises in me after those instances.

Once I return to my normal, healthy frame of mind...I remember, this is my life. And it's a wonderful one at that! I'm so fortunate to have a relationship with such a wonderful person. He cares for me. He is honest with me. There is not an ounce of distrust in my body. He makes me laugh silently (you know, when you laugh so hard you don't make noise). He is so determined and driven. He's definitely on the "smartest people I know" list. And besides, things can always, always be worse. (Trust me...) I am so absolutely fortunate to have such a good man. He loves me. And he sure does love our little DeLaney (you should hear him talk to her when he thinks he's alone - so darn sweet!). I am smitten for him. I can't help myself. These two gems in my life have my heart, fully.

For sure, 2011 was a tough year. But three beautiful things came out of it: Sawyer Gene Crompton (my happy/handsome nephew), Sweet DeLaney and a stronger relationship with Dean.

I love you all, indefinitely.

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