Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Car

DeLaney does so well in the car. She can't really be left alone at home right now. Both Dean and I work quite a bit. And a 1 year old dog really shouldn't be stuck in a kennel for 10+ hours everyday! Eventually, we want to close off a little DeLaney area of the house so she can have some space, and have Sound Animals come and pick her up for a few hours of play time during the day. But for's not an option. We are renting, so I don't want to cause damage. We are looking to move to a house in Phinney. Huge back yard, large house where we can easily create a doggy alone space in.

So right now, alone time training has turned into a car event. She's so good at it too. The longest we've left her in the car is about 3 hours. The weather is great for it right now, not too cold for a furry pup and definitely not hot! We give her water, crack the sunroof, give her toys & bullysticks for entertainment - and she just waits/naps patiently.

Her success gives me hope for being home alone when she's older! Such a smart, good girl. Now if only we can quit the yapping at everyone! ;)

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