Monday, February 11, 2013

Smiling Dog Ranch Visit...

Finnegan recovered so quickly from surgery. I'm so relieved. Getting boys fixed is so much more simple than getting ladies fixed! So, since Finnegan healed and has completed his puppy shots, we decided to give Smiling Dog Ranch!

I really like this dog park. There are plenty of trees for shading, and it's right off the River Walk, so we can get some leash practice in on the way. Finnegan's first experience at a dog park went well. DeLaney was extremely excited to be there; which helped Finnegan's spirits a bit. Although, he was a little timid meeting new dogs for the first time, he calmed down pretty quickly.

DeLaney and Finnegan had a blast running around and making friends! I think I will start taking them to this place a couple times a week...

DeLaney trying to get someone to chase her

DeLaney in the tunnel

Finnegan wanting to join DeLaney in the tunnel

Finnegan sniffing out the park

Monday, February 4, 2013


Finnegan has returned from his castration. He is completely out of it, and hasn't moved from DeLaney's kennel. You can tell DeLaney was concerned. She is laying near the kennel, and every now and then I catch her just staring at him. And no, she isn't jealous that he is in her kennel. She could care less about that...she prefers his kennel anyway. My sweet angel knows he's not feeling well and is worried. What a dear.

I love him so much. I'm hoping for a quick and easy recovery! I do not want a repeat of DeLaney's spaying adventure. Here is a photo of my poor lil man...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Vet Visits

Finnegan has already gone to the vet twice since we got him. First, for his wellness examination and shots. And second for a pretty bad case of diarrhea. Poor guy! We are taking him to Northwest Pet Clinic. It's a lovely practice. Everyone is SO kind and informative. I like it more than any other vet clinic I've been too. 

His first appointment went well. He's already 30lbs! I cannot believe that. DeLaney is full grown and only 40lbs. I wonder how big he's going to get. Our new veteriarian is Kerry Gillooly-Collins. She's really sweet. The first thing she said when she saw Finn was, "woah, he's gonna be a big Springer!" She gave him his exam, and shots. She said he was a beautifully healthy young boy. And at the end of the appointment, I set up the neutering exam. Poor lil guy!

His second vet appointment was about a week ago. He came down with a terrible case of diarrhea -- in the middle of the night. He was whinning in his kennel, which was not common. So I took him out, and he exploded. It was actually quite funny because he had these horribly loud farts, and he scared himself. He would fart, and then run away from the noise. Haha, aww my poor buddy. Well, anyway...we took him to the vet and he was put on antibiotics  He is now all better, but not before he gave it to DeLaney. Luckily, hers only lasted two days. I made an appointment for her, but she got better just in time. So I cancelled...thank goodness. (She HATES the vet.)

Now I have two healthy, happy pups who are passed out next to me. One on each side. I'm so thrilled to have these two in our life. I couldn't be happier and more in love. I leave this post now with a photo of Daddy Dean and his tired babies...

They like me more :)