Monday, February 11, 2013

Smiling Dog Ranch Visit...

Finnegan recovered so quickly from surgery. I'm so relieved. Getting boys fixed is so much more simple than getting ladies fixed! So, since Finnegan healed and has completed his puppy shots, we decided to give Smiling Dog Ranch!

I really like this dog park. There are plenty of trees for shading, and it's right off the River Walk, so we can get some leash practice in on the way. Finnegan's first experience at a dog park went well. DeLaney was extremely excited to be there; which helped Finnegan's spirits a bit. Although, he was a little timid meeting new dogs for the first time, he calmed down pretty quickly.

DeLaney and Finnegan had a blast running around and making friends! I think I will start taking them to this place a couple times a week...

DeLaney trying to get someone to chase her

DeLaney in the tunnel

Finnegan wanting to join DeLaney in the tunnel

Finnegan sniffing out the park

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