Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ocean Shores Extravaganza!

On the weekend of August 25-28th, we ventured to the Westside of Washington -- to Ocean Shores we said! It's one of my favorite places despite the average temperatures being in the low 50s. Perhaps it has something to do with that whole nostalgic childhood memories...

Growing up, we'd go almost every year. We'd trade it in for Lake Chelan or Disneyland every now and then. But the big O.S. was definitely a staple in our family trips. And we loved it! Of course, as we grew, we went less. High school, college, travels without the family, babies being just put our family vacations on hold.

It's interesting how things can return to the way they were -- we now find ourselves returning annually for my Mom's birthday EXTRAVAGANZA! It's a true hoot. We stay in "Uncle" Barry's vacation home -- my Dad's best pal from...practically birth. It's a gorgeous house on the canal! We eat, drink, play outside -- did I mention drink already? Yes. Lots of that.

Laney's first Ocean Shores adventure was an absolute success! She enjoyed herself to the point of constant pass-outage. When she was inside, she was OUT! The beach is probably the best place in the world, according to her. She loved the surf, and could not get enough of it.

As you can see though...we did go on a lovely weekend. NOT A CLOUD IN THE SKY AND LOW 70s all weekend!!

What is this place?!! This is louder than Orcas Island water:

Can we hurry?! We are almost there:

I do believe I like the taste of salt water:

I'm ready to play Mom, let me go:

PLEASE LET ME GO, I want to dive-in:

Okay, I'll wait until you say OKAY:

Okay watch Mom, I like to run up here for a BIG RUNNING START into the water:

Playing in the Surf is the BEST:

Okay Mommy, you smile for the camera. I'm gonna do the running start again:

Look, I can POINT out the SeaGulls:

Mommy...I think I'm done:

AND of course, I must add some pictures of the gems my sissy has had over the years. My GOD...THEY'RE GORGEOUS...

Miss Darby Lee...

Mr. Sawyer Gene...

And some cute sissy giggles. I adore her...

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