Tuesday, September 20, 2011

While I Played in Vegas...

Laney played at Bamma & Boppa's house! Babygirl spent 4 blissful nights -- "over the river and thruuuuu the woods!" And she did a fantastic job too! She put her listening ears on, used her best manners - err, minus those minor accidents we will not get into because a lady does not discuss such issues, and slept all night without a peep. GOOD GIRL!

My Dad gave her behavior a HUGE thumbs up. He thinks she is a great dog -- already at this young age! I'm very excited that Bamma & Boppa love my lil missy-moo. I hope they decide to get a Springer when I get Laney's possible future brother (still on the fence about #2)...

Well, Laney's first sleepover experience was definitely a success! Those 3 got along like the good ol' days of Sweet Sadie Sue. Looks like I have a doggysitter for Hawaii! :)

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