Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm HOW Old?!

DeLaney is 9 months old today! Happy 9-month birthday my love!! (DeLaney after a MUCH needed bath):

She can jump up, sit, walk around, talk (bark), and feed herself. PHEW! What a big girl I have!! ;)

Laney is still not enjoying Fremont, but she is definitely getting better. She barks less at strange noises. She's doing better on walks. Barely barks at the neighbors pups (unless she SEES them, of course). She is however, developing a bit of seperation anxiety. Being left alone is terrifying for her. She barks her head off and gets right out of her kennel. YES, that chain-linked kennel! So, we need to hardy that bad boy up! I told Dean to get some OSB board and that should do the trick. He's completed the door to the kennel, but the rest of the 7X7 walls need completion. That would be quite the birthday gift for me -- someone PLEASE do it so I can stop forking over SO much money to daycare!!

Oh DeLaney we love you (and I secretly adore your obsession with me) but you gotta realize that sometimes we cannot be there. And you have to be alone. We will ALWAYS, ALWAYS return. Please believe me, you're my world. I would NEVER abandon you!

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