Monday, December 12, 2011

Mt. Rainier Birthday!

This ALMOST didn't happen. I told Dean over a month in advance that I wanted to go away for my birthday. A relaxing cabin in the woods, just our little family. Of course, being the busy bee he is, he decided to wait last minute. Um, hellllooo? I'm too close to the holiday season to wait until the last minute. Boys...
But after forking over a wad o' dough, he accomplished my birthday wish.

And the mini-vacation couldn't have come at a better time. I was overly ready to get away after the last couple of months we had - moving suddenly, planning/executing an insanely detailed bridal shower, annual evals and massive over time (without claiming hours might I add) due to our poor receptionst going through some terrible, no good, awful times with a family emergency -- well, it just wore me out.

It was NO Hawaii, but it was nice. And Laney saw snow for the first time. Boy did she enjoy that! I'm realizing that some of my happiest memories with Laney are just watching her run like crazy around a yard. She loves her puppy frappin'!

So thank you Deanie. You gave me a wonderful birthday weekend; filled with long sleeps, lots of booze & my two favorite creatures -- You & Laney! *Muah*

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