Thursday, October 24, 2013

What I Did On My Summer Vacation...

Scelena and My Before (May 2013) & After (July 2013) Travel Photos

I traveled to 7 different countries in Southeast Asia & Western Australia! And had an amazing time doing so! We traveled in Indonesia, Western Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and South Korea from May 7th - July 29th. I blogged my entire adventure at the link below:

After returning, Dean swept me away for a 5 day stay at the Salish Lodge in Snoqualmie, WA. Talk about romantic! It was the best way to recover from jet lag. I slept 9 hour nights, and took 2 hour naps daily. It was beyond peaceful. We had a lovely time reconnecting after our 3 month separation.

Once we returned to Tucson, the packing began. That's right! We are returning home to Seattle, WA. Dean is involved in a start-up located in Seattle, and so off we go! He had to immediately travel once we returned home, so I was left to pack the house. I've become quite the pro at packing since this was our 5th move in the last 3 years. If I move ever again, it will be too soon!

Two weeks after returning home from my travels, I had to finish packing, and hop on a flight to Seattle, WA for a wedding on Whidbey Island. I played the role of the Maid of Honor, and enjoyed seeing my dear friend, "beat me down the isle." Yes, I did say that in my speech, and it was got some pretty good laughs.

Soon after the wedding, I stayed for a week to enjoy some much needed family time. And of course, go to the annual Dave Matthews Band concert at the gorge. And finally, a road trip back home to Seattle!

Sissy and Me at the Saturday Show

The Head and the Heart (Sunday Show)

Dave Matthews Band at the Gorge (Sunday Show)

After a weekend of pure music bliss, my sister dropped me off at the airport for Tucson, AZ. Immediately off the plane, Dean and I drove to Los Angeles (our first stop on our road trip back to Seattle, WA). I was exhausted. My sister and I barely got any sleep over the DMB concert weekend, and jumping off of a plane to drive 8 hours makes a girl very sleepy! But we love our road trips!

DeLaney & Finnegan Meeting Me at the Airport

California Coastline

Finnegan Relaxing in the BackSeat

Onward to San Francisco

The Golden Gate Bridge

My First Time Driving Over the Golden Gate Bridge!

The Dog's NOT Enjoying HWY 101

Welcome to the Redwoods!

Dean Enjoying some Redwood Forest Time

DeLaney Sleeping with A Pillow in the Back

The View from our Beach House in Cannon Beach

The Vacation Rental's HUGE Backyard in Cannon Beach

We Finally Decided to Take Out the Nice Camera -- Beach Time

Finnegan's First Time Seeing the Ocean (DeLaney's 3rd)

Enjoying the Water

Once in Washington, I stayed with my family again for another week with the dogs. My parents had to meet Finnegan! We had a lovely time in Doggy Disneyland (my parent's backyard is a wonderland for them). My Dad played ball with them everyday...they were definitely sad to leave!

DeLaney & Finnegan with Their Uncle Gary

Exhausted from LOTS of Fetch Games!

Can We Come Back Inside, So We Can Beg To Go Back Out!?

Now we are settling in our new home in Seattle. And the pups are loving it. They have a backyard, a lovely neighborhood to walk in, and a BIG old house to rest in. They are in heaven!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Smiling Dog Ranch Visit...

Finnegan recovered so quickly from surgery. I'm so relieved. Getting boys fixed is so much more simple than getting ladies fixed! So, since Finnegan healed and has completed his puppy shots, we decided to give Smiling Dog Ranch!

I really like this dog park. There are plenty of trees for shading, and it's right off the River Walk, so we can get some leash practice in on the way. Finnegan's first experience at a dog park went well. DeLaney was extremely excited to be there; which helped Finnegan's spirits a bit. Although, he was a little timid meeting new dogs for the first time, he calmed down pretty quickly.

DeLaney and Finnegan had a blast running around and making friends! I think I will start taking them to this place a couple times a week...

DeLaney trying to get someone to chase her

DeLaney in the tunnel

Finnegan wanting to join DeLaney in the tunnel

Finnegan sniffing out the park

Monday, February 4, 2013


Finnegan has returned from his castration. He is completely out of it, and hasn't moved from DeLaney's kennel. You can tell DeLaney was concerned. She is laying near the kennel, and every now and then I catch her just staring at him. And no, she isn't jealous that he is in her kennel. She could care less about that...she prefers his kennel anyway. My sweet angel knows he's not feeling well and is worried. What a dear.

I love him so much. I'm hoping for a quick and easy recovery! I do not want a repeat of DeLaney's spaying adventure. Here is a photo of my poor lil man...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Vet Visits

Finnegan has already gone to the vet twice since we got him. First, for his wellness examination and shots. And second for a pretty bad case of diarrhea. Poor guy! We are taking him to Northwest Pet Clinic. It's a lovely practice. Everyone is SO kind and informative. I like it more than any other vet clinic I've been too. 

His first appointment went well. He's already 30lbs! I cannot believe that. DeLaney is full grown and only 40lbs. I wonder how big he's going to get. Our new veteriarian is Kerry Gillooly-Collins. She's really sweet. The first thing she said when she saw Finn was, "woah, he's gonna be a big Springer!" She gave him his exam, and shots. She said he was a beautifully healthy young boy. And at the end of the appointment, I set up the neutering exam. Poor lil guy!

His second vet appointment was about a week ago. He came down with a terrible case of diarrhea -- in the middle of the night. He was whinning in his kennel, which was not common. So I took him out, and he exploded. It was actually quite funny because he had these horribly loud farts, and he scared himself. He would fart, and then run away from the noise. Haha, aww my poor buddy. Well, anyway...we took him to the vet and he was put on antibiotics  He is now all better, but not before he gave it to DeLaney. Luckily, hers only lasted two days. I made an appointment for her, but she got better just in time. So I cancelled...thank goodness. (She HATES the vet.)

Now I have two healthy, happy pups who are passed out next to me. One on each side. I'm so thrilled to have these two in our life. I couldn't be happier and more in love. I leave this post now with a photo of Daddy Dean and his tired babies...

They like me more :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jay and Silent Bob

I've nicknamed DeLaney and Finnegan, Jay and Silent Bob...

Finnegan is Silent Bob since he is obviously silent and chunky, and DeLaney is Jay because...well, DeLaney doesn't shut up. She is a constant barker. Someone rings the doorbell, bark. I grab the leash, bark. Someone has a ball in their hand, bark. Ugh...please Finnegan -- DON'T LEARN THIS TRAIT!

Also, please -- continue to do cute poses for the camera, you adorable duo:

Finnegan (left) and DeLaney (right) nose to nose sleeping -- puppy kisses!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Arrival

Finally, we have Finnegan. I'm so excited to have him.

We arrived in Tucson the day before he did -- we had a pretty intense traveling schedule over December. He was suppose to be delivered at the beginning of December, but since we weren't going to be in Tucson -- our breeder Terri was SO kind to board him for an addition month. She is one of the most kindest people I've ever met. A genuinely good person, who is 110% commented to her pups. I thank God we have her in our lives. 

Terri sent us this photo of Finnegan in December

He came on Alaska Airlines. He didn't get sick or have any accidents in his crate, which was great. He came along with a bunch of goodies too -- including an awesome Seattle Mariners blanket! I knew I chose the best breeder in Washington. Go Ms! The first thing that I noticed about Finn, is that he is extremely confident. The strong, silent type. I'm going to like this lil man.

As I mentioned before, we had arrived in Tucson the day before -- late. So we spent the night in a hotel, and hadn't even picked DeLaney up from her daycare. We got the keys to our new rental earlier that morning -- so Dean and I split up. Dean took Finnegan to the new house. And I went and picked up DeLaney. She was extremely excited to see me -- and a bit frantic. Poor thing. She had a rough morning, I scheduled a bath and haircut so I'd have a freshly groomed pup to come home to. But, like the trooper she is -- she let the grooming happen and was happy and smelling fresh when I arrived.

The meet...I recorded it on my phone. It went rather well. DeLaney at first didn't give Finnegan any attention, and only wanted to snuggle me. But after a few moments, puppy play took place and they have been best friends ever since. This makes me extremely happy!

So the trio becomes a quartet. Welcome to our family Finnegan.