Friday, December 30, 2011

My Very First Christmas!

Not only was this DeLaney's very first Christmas, but it was also the first year Dean and I shared Christmas morning together. Apparently a dog DOES bring you closer together, who knew!?

Usually, I find myself running back and forth from my home to Dean's home -- trying desperately not to disappoint anyone. Well, this year I decided to give up. I deserve to enjoy the holiday season too! And although I truly missed the Falconer time this was definitely a blessing to relax and enjoy the Willcoxon side of the holiday. So with Dean deciding to stay over Christmas Eve -- well that just made my year! It meant so much to me to wake up on Christmas morning with Dean & DeLaney. I felt like we were a family. Finally. I couldn't have felt more blessed at that moment; especially with this year being so terribly rough on us.

Our family has been dealt some nasty cards this year. And with him trying so hard...well, it just means the world to me. At times, I find myself struggling; wanting more from the guy. And I'm not going to hide the fact that I've had my weak moments. At times, I find myself full of resentment. I have even expressed my impatience verbally to him on a number of occasions. I'm not proud of this. Instant guilt rises in me after those instances.

Once I return to my normal, healthy frame of mind...I remember, this is my life. And it's a wonderful one at that! I'm so fortunate to have a relationship with such a wonderful person. He cares for me. He is honest with me. There is not an ounce of distrust in my body. He makes me laugh silently (you know, when you laugh so hard you don't make noise). He is so determined and driven. He's definitely on the "smartest people I know" list. And besides, things can always, always be worse. (Trust me...) I am so absolutely fortunate to have such a good man. He loves me. And he sure does love our little DeLaney (you should hear him talk to her when he thinks he's alone - so darn sweet!). I am smitten for him. I can't help myself. These two gems in my life have my heart, fully.

For sure, 2011 was a tough year. But three beautiful things came out of it: Sawyer Gene Crompton (my happy/handsome nephew), Sweet DeLaney and a stronger relationship with Dean.

I love you all, indefinitely.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mt. Rainier Birthday!

This ALMOST didn't happen. I told Dean over a month in advance that I wanted to go away for my birthday. A relaxing cabin in the woods, just our little family. Of course, being the busy bee he is, he decided to wait last minute. Um, hellllooo? I'm too close to the holiday season to wait until the last minute. Boys...
But after forking over a wad o' dough, he accomplished my birthday wish.

And the mini-vacation couldn't have come at a better time. I was overly ready to get away after the last couple of months we had - moving suddenly, planning/executing an insanely detailed bridal shower, annual evals and massive over time (without claiming hours might I add) due to our poor receptionst going through some terrible, no good, awful times with a family emergency -- well, it just wore me out.

It was NO Hawaii, but it was nice. And Laney saw snow for the first time. Boy did she enjoy that! I'm realizing that some of my happiest memories with Laney are just watching her run like crazy around a yard. She loves her puppy frappin'!

So thank you Deanie. You gave me a wonderful birthday weekend; filled with long sleeps, lots of booze & my two favorite creatures -- You & Laney! *Muah*

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm HOW Old?!

DeLaney is 9 months old today! Happy 9-month birthday my love!! (DeLaney after a MUCH needed bath):

She can jump up, sit, walk around, talk (bark), and feed herself. PHEW! What a big girl I have!! ;)

Laney is still not enjoying Fremont, but she is definitely getting better. She barks less at strange noises. She's doing better on walks. Barely barks at the neighbors pups (unless she SEES them, of course). She is however, developing a bit of seperation anxiety. Being left alone is terrifying for her. She barks her head off and gets right out of her kennel. YES, that chain-linked kennel! So, we need to hardy that bad boy up! I told Dean to get some OSB board and that should do the trick. He's completed the door to the kennel, but the rest of the 7X7 walls need completion. That would be quite the birthday gift for me -- someone PLEASE do it so I can stop forking over SO much money to daycare!!

Oh DeLaney we love you (and I secretly adore your obsession with me) but you gotta realize that sometimes we cannot be there. And you have to be alone. We will ALWAYS, ALWAYS return. Please believe me, you're my world. I would NEVER abandon you!

Monday, November 21, 2011

I'm Confused, Frightened & to be Honest...A Little Pissy.

Yes, I understand. Up rooting you is very tramatic! I'm so sorry. We love you and will figure this out together little one.

That's right. The rumors are true. We recently moved to Fremont!

And DeLaney no like. We have neighbors, close neighbors. We have doggies...everywhere in the neighborhood. It is a very stressful time. AND to top it off, we changed Doggy Daycares! Woah, talk about a freak out situation. And boy has there been many of those! We are adjusting though. So let's just see how it goes.

So as I mentioned, DeLaney is no longer going to Fuzzy Buddy Daycare. It's definitely sad. We love Fuzzy Buddy's.

DeLaney is now a member of a more urban community:

She is still pretty timid when I drop her off. Like going to the Vet timid. POOR THING! They have webcams on their website, so the curious owner can view the dogs during the day. Yeah, you'd think I'd be more obsessed with it -- I'm really not. All they do is walk around.

Here is the camera link:

Anyway, DeLaney is...adjusting. She barks at any noise. And she gets stressed when we leave her alone. We've only left her alone at the house twice due to her unsure nature; and only for a few hours. The first time, went well -- after a full day of daycare (smart of us). The second time, we were not so smart. I won't even go into the detail of that event! Poor Laney!!

So I am overly worried about the situation...of course! But time has it's way of sorting things out. This will end up being a great experience for DeLaney since she has developed a phobia of strangers. She needs exposure to new sights, sounds & smells...

So hello Fremont! I'm Stefanie and this is my little girl -- DeLaney. She's a beautiful spirit who needs a gentle guided hand in figuring this new place out. Will you help her see that she doesn't need to be confused, frightened...or pissy with you? Afterall...change may be scary -- but it sure is a good thing!

Miss Laney, we love you! And we won't stop supporting you babygirl. Not for one second!

Below is a hilarious picture of a VERY freaked out DeLaney -- she hears the neighbors music. Something she's DEFINITELY NOT used to!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Yet Another Birth-Month! 8!

Yah, this will stop at 1 year, I swear. Miss Delaney has entered her 8th month of living. And boy is she living! She is loving daycare, destorying her kennel, eating random objects off the ground, and she is definitely lovin' her sneak attacks -- silent but absolutely deadly, I tell ya what!

She is an absolute joy to have around. I can easily say, Dean and I love her more than any other pup on this planet! Okay, Kirby is definitely up there too. Can't forget the Kirbster!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Graduation Day (Part II)

Today Laney "graduated" from Basic that I mean the last day was today.
We didn't take a test, but I am unsure if she'd pass. Laney is having issues with Loose Leash Walking and Polite Greetings.
Everything else she absolutely rocks at. She can Sit, Stay, Wait, Lay, Shake, Go to Rug, Recall, etc. with no problem!

Congratulations Delaney!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Dog: An Unconditional Love Story

I watched this a couple months ago and adored it. It's less than an hour. Just some interviews of celebrity dog owners. And yes, you tear up multiple times...

While I Played in Vegas...

Laney played at Bamma & Boppa's house! Babygirl spent 4 blissful nights -- "over the river and thruuuuu the woods!" And she did a fantastic job too! She put her listening ears on, used her best manners - err, minus those minor accidents we will not get into because a lady does not discuss such issues, and slept all night without a peep. GOOD GIRL!

My Dad gave her behavior a HUGE thumbs up. He thinks she is a great dog -- already at this young age! I'm very excited that Bamma & Boppa love my lil missy-moo. I hope they decide to get a Springer when I get Laney's possible future brother (still on the fence about #2)...

Well, Laney's first sleepover experience was definitely a success! Those 3 got along like the good ol' days of Sweet Sadie Sue. Looks like I have a doggysitter for Hawaii! :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Worth Every Penny.

Laney started daycare at Fuzzy Buddy's this month. She completed the Puppy Good Start Class back in June through the company, and I rather enjoy the owner Dana. She's full of life, super sweet, educated in her field and genuinely cares about all the dogs' progress in socialization and mental behaviors.

Today is her 4th visit! And she is doing very well. On average, I'm taking her twice per week to get used to the new environment. If things go well, I'm going to make her a Mon-Fri daycare girl.

Post-DayCare Exhaustion...

In addition to doggy daycare, I decided to enroll her in the Basic Training course as well. She did great in Puppy Good Start (passed with FLYING colors), so I decided...well, we should keep on with the training! Let's hope she does okay this time around. Because let's me honest, the dog training courses is more about training the humans right?!? ;)

I know, I know...the pocket book is a little slimmer these days. Who spends this kind of money on a dog? Well to be quite honest, I find the amount I spend on Laney to be absolutely absurd most of the time. And yet, at the end of the day...I just don't care. I can afford it and I adore her. Yeah, she's a dog. But she's my responsibility. And she has given me something that no one else or anything has ever offered me. So how could I not want the best for her?

From the moment I received the email from Linda letting me know she had a liver and white female -- well, I know it's cliche/corny/silly, but I just knew. I knew that some force out there stronger than me handed over Laney. To help me learn how to nurture. To learn patience. Understanding. And compassion.

Why not give her everything I have? Pfft, no question. Afterall...she gives me all she has everyday. No question.

Cuddle-Bedtime Snuggles Now Momma?...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

6 Months Old!

A VERY happy 1/2 birthday Miss Laney...

Ocean Shores Extravaganza!

On the weekend of August 25-28th, we ventured to the Westside of Washington -- to Ocean Shores we said! It's one of my favorite places despite the average temperatures being in the low 50s. Perhaps it has something to do with that whole nostalgic childhood memories...

Growing up, we'd go almost every year. We'd trade it in for Lake Chelan or Disneyland every now and then. But the big O.S. was definitely a staple in our family trips. And we loved it! Of course, as we grew, we went less. High school, college, travels without the family, babies being just put our family vacations on hold.

It's interesting how things can return to the way they were -- we now find ourselves returning annually for my Mom's birthday EXTRAVAGANZA! It's a true hoot. We stay in "Uncle" Barry's vacation home -- my Dad's best pal from...practically birth. It's a gorgeous house on the canal! We eat, drink, play outside -- did I mention drink already? Yes. Lots of that.

Laney's first Ocean Shores adventure was an absolute success! She enjoyed herself to the point of constant pass-outage. When she was inside, she was OUT! The beach is probably the best place in the world, according to her. She loved the surf, and could not get enough of it.

As you can see though...we did go on a lovely weekend. NOT A CLOUD IN THE SKY AND LOW 70s all weekend!!

What is this place?!! This is louder than Orcas Island water:

Can we hurry?! We are almost there:

I do believe I like the taste of salt water:

I'm ready to play Mom, let me go:

PLEASE LET ME GO, I want to dive-in:

Okay, I'll wait until you say OKAY:

Okay watch Mom, I like to run up here for a BIG RUNNING START into the water:

Playing in the Surf is the BEST:

Okay Mommy, you smile for the camera. I'm gonna do the running start again:

Look, I can POINT out the SeaGulls:

Mommy...I think I'm done:

AND of course, I must add some pictures of the gems my sissy has had over the years. My GOD...THEY'RE GORGEOUS...

Miss Darby Lee...

Mr. Sawyer Gene...

And some cute sissy giggles. I adore her...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Laney's Spaying Adventure

Laney had her surgery yesterday Friday, August 12th. She did great! No negative reactions to the anaesthetic, and so far no issues with the pain killers...well you can be the judge once you scroll down and see the photos...

Laney Post-Op...

Laney's pain meds...

I think we are funny...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Families First Vacation!

We traveled to Orcas Island August 5-8th. Laney learned that salt water is not so yummy, but just as fun as the pool or the hose. And enjoyed her very first nature hike! Pictures to come. They are on my Olympus and I have let my buddy borrow the charger and such. I do however have two photo off my phone that I can share right now...

Daddy's driving...

Puts missy-moo asleep...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Laney's Diet

Laney eats better than Dean or myself. We were joking the other night that she will most likely outlive us! ;) Here is a little list of Miss Laney's munchies...

Orijen Puppy Formula...

She seems to really enjoy it. And I like how I'm able to pronounce all the ingredients haha! And its grain free, high protein - 70% mean / 30% vegetable/fruit, no additives/preservatives, all regional (no China), etc.

Good Buddy Meaty Center Bone Dog Treats...

Good Buddy Natural Jerky Treats...

Real Dog's Treats...

Sam's Yams - Veggie Rawhide Sweet Potato Chews...

Zuke's Natural Dog Treats (her favorites are the Mini Salmon)...

Real Foods:
Organic Apple
Organic Cottage Cheese
Organic Free Range Turkey & Chicken
Organic Peanut Butter
Organic Plain Yogurt
Organic Sweet Potato Puree or Pumpkin
Organic White Rice

Vitamins & Other:

NuVet Plus Multivitamin...

Brewer's Yeast plus Garlic...

Salmon Oil Supplement...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Family Reunion!

Laney reunited with her Mommy & 3/4 brothers today! What a site to be seen. Gorgeous Springers running around having a blast in the sunny, summer weather...

Cole, Laney & Wilson (Human belongs to Wilson)...

Griffin & Wilson...

Laney Coat Shines in the Sun...

Laney Running in the Sunshine...

Diesel (Looks JUST like Daddy Toby)...

Mommy Sky...

Wilson (GORGEOUS TRI)...

Laney Tries to Kiss Moses Thur the Fence...